But she is always remembered. The other day our cook Edison was telling me how he remembers my mom hating my plants. My mom loves plants. She was instrumental in my loving plants in general. She hated my plant choices - she just did not like the spines and thorns in most of the plants I keep (I have kept Agaves, Sansevierias and Euphorbia species even before I got to love native plants). She was of course right as I usually get a lot of puncture wounds from just plain gardening. I still hear her nagging in my mind, how I have to be careful in handling my succulents. She is probably happy that I am shifting to lesser-thorned plants especially orchids which she really loved.
To my mom, a very happy Mothers' Day! My garden misses you. We miss you very dearly.
Just saw this post, Patrick.
Our prayers for your mom - and I know she's very very proud of you.
Remember, the offer to cook kare-kare for you still stands. Just come over.
Thanks Ron.Miss ko na actually ang Davao. Gimme a holler when you are in town.
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