Sunday, October 16, 2011

Flowers from the Visayas

Pittosporum pentandrum
 Quick Post: I was checking my plants in the garden and found 2 of my seedlings from seeds now tall and flowering:  The first one is Pittosporum pentandrum, which I brought back from a friend's property in Bohol.  My specimen is now taller than I am and flowering.  The flowers are frequented by bees.  The second one is Tabernaemontana which I collected from a resort in Puerto Galera in Mindoro.  3 specimens grew from seeds and brought out minute white flowers. The flowers developed into the unique seed pods.  Can't wait for them to turn red. 


Plant Chaser said...

Wow! New layout! I like the mosaic look.

Taller than you?!! How long have you had your Pittosporum?

metscaper said...

about 2 years.