Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Horti Favorite

The star burst flowers
For the past years, the variegated specimens of the native Clerodendrum quadriloculare or bagawak-morado has been fixtures in both the exhibit and selling booths in the annual PHS Garden Show.  This year large specimens are bigger than ever, and of course in full blooming glory.  Even though it has been around for quite some time, this horticultural plant continues to impress.  I still am looking forward to grow one in my garden.  I am successful in making my bagawak to grow and even flower, but once they bloom, they regress and die.  I do not now why.  Only after I solve this mystery would I have the guts to procure my specimen of the variegated Clerodendrum
The impressive variegated bagawak-morado

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