My last poll was about the
sampaguita and how it is our national flower yet it is not native. There are other much more beautiful native flowering plants and i listed a few for people select one as probable candidate to replace sampaguita:
Waling waling clumps in a garden show |
Waling-waling or
Euanthe sanderiana - the queen of orchids
Katmon or
Dillenia philippinensis, one of the showiest flowering trees
Bagawak morado or
Clerodendrum quadriculare, one of the most colorful flowering shrubs
Kamuning or
Murraya paniculata, one of the most fragrant
Rafflesia sp., one of the biggest flowers
The choice by 60 percent of respondents was
waling-waling while the remaining flowers all got 10 percent of votes.
Waling-waling is a symbol of pride in Davao |
Probably more than being a national flower, the
waling-waling or
Euanthe sanderiana should become a national cause. It is considered the queen or ornamental orchids yet it is nearing extinction in its native range. The remaining population is hanging by a thread, being protected by insurgency in Mindanao. We wouldn't want to see the native orchid reduced to specimens grown in gardens and worse, in nurseries outside of the country as other Southeast Asian countries have better breeding programs for the
Hybrid of waling-waling |
Waling-waling |
In the the duration of this poll, other natives were also nominated to be included but the settings of the poll could not anymore be changed when voting started. Just goes to show that we have far more deserving candidates as national flower, and we truly have forests blessed with a diversity of beautiful species.
The next poll is up!
Have you seen the katmon tree in front of the UST bldg, just near the Espana gate? May i know if it is our endemic species. BTW, i thought Euanthe is not anymore used, instead it is now Vanda, as in Vanda sanderiana.
Yes, it is Dillenia indica. Not the native katmon.
With scientific names, it is always tricky. It is this then it is this. Very confusing.
Waling waling used to be grouped with the genus Vanda.
However, because of certain characteristics outlined here, it was separated.
A plug for my flickr collection:
May i am aware if it is our endemic species. BTW, i believed Euanthe is not anymore used,
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