Sunday, September 21, 2014

Lucky are my Students

Measuring kalumpang tree
Having a well-earned break!
Tall kalumpit

It was my first time to get student assistants.  I hired CJ, Antoinne and Arvin to help me finish the physical walking and ocular part of my pending research. For two Saturdays we tried to get measurements of a few trees around the Diliman campus. Of course it wont be a complete tree mission without ever stopping at Marine Science Institute, which has adopted making native trees a landscape attraction.
The lucky clover fern

While measuring dao and kalumpit in MSI I told my students if they feel lucky.  I told them they could try their luck if they could find a 'four-leaf clover' among the greens.  So my obedient students spent the next few seconds running their eyes through the grass blades and Arvin exclaimed he found one. I was expecting they do.  But then again the plant they found is not exactly clover.  Since it is the rainy season, the moisture loving Marsilea fern has returned back to the lawns of MSI. Lucky us they are still there!  
Luck in the greens!

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