Friday, September 12, 2014

The Unlikely Urban Orchid!

Drab colored but still impressive flowers of G.scriptum
If you ask gardeners, they would probably tell you to shy away from orchids in the genus Grammatophyllum. Though they are know to be the biggest orchids in the world, they are not popular as they are regarded as diffcult to bloom in the city.  Plus if they do bloom, most of the species display drab unattractive colors.
But to the experts, the orchid is indeed worth the while to grow for orchid lovers.  The easy species like G. scriptum will easily root and establish in the city garden, potted or mounted on driftwood. In a short time it would already bring out new shoots and reach considerable flowering size. Specimens readily bring out the earth colored flowers.  Though they may not be showy, the size and the shape compensate for the drab hues, truly an interesting specimen to have in any urban garden!


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metscaper said...

thanks for the thumbs up and i hope you continue on reading!